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Private Care



Midwifery for Homebirth

Customized Childbirth Education 

Doula and Monitrice for Birth Center or Hospital

Lactation, Breastfeeding and Pumping Support 

Travel Doula and


Nighttime Newborn


Freebirth, Self-Led Care Consulting 


Midwifery for Homebirth

As a Certified Professional Midwife, I offer compasionate, personalized care for low risk mothers and babies. My approach is watchful, holistic, and down-to-earth.

Included in your care: 

  • All prenatal visits, your birth, all postpartum visits through 6 weeks

  • Care from an additional midwife for covering call and assisting at the birth

  • Hospital or Birth Center support should we need to transfer there

I accept payment plans. I do not bill insurance companies but some will cover a portion of my fee. Final payment is due by the time you are 32 weeks pregnant. The fee is $6,000.
(Colorado Front Range families only)

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Midwifery Care for Homebirth
Doula and Monitrice care for birth center or hospital

Doula and Monitrice for Birth Center or Hospital

A doula provides non-clinical emotional and physical support for mothers and babies. A monitrice is similar but with a scope of care to perform assessments in your home for labor and for mother and baby in the very early days. If laboring at home, I check maternal and fetal vitals and assessments. I support and comfort and advise about progress until time to head in together. In-home visits up to 6 weeks postpartum. High risk mothers are welcome.


Research shows attendance from a doula decreases risk of cesarean surgery by 52.9%. A postpartum doula helps decrease rates of postpartum depression and anxiety and mothers AND fathers. For mothers by 57.5%.

(Colorado Front Range families only)


Travel Doula and Monitrice

Around and outside of the US, I have helped many families experience my direct care even though we live far apart. I customize my care and professional fee for each client and their unique circumstances. 


Meant to complement your local care when appropriate, our telehealth appointments are held regularly throughout your pregnancy. Depending on what resources are available to at-distance clients in their community, we may use a prenatal kit that includes items such as a doppler and blood pressure cuff so we can gather assessments. Based on your history, we will decide on a time for me to join you around the time of your due date. I continue care until one week postpartum

Doula and Monitrice Care for Birth Center or Hospital
Travel Doula and Monitrice

Freebirth, Self-Led Care Consulting

For families doing self-led care and freebirth I offer virtual based support. I will meet you right where you are with any desired education and guidance; a listening ear; ideas and preparation resources.


I provide parent-led assessment sessions for mother and baby. I support you in cultivating radical self-reliance for your birth and early parenting plans. I help you navigate the childbearing year gaining informed confidence for your birth and recovery.

Freebirth, Self-Led Care Consulting

Customized Childbirth Education

I offer personalized education for your family’s unique circumstances. Some families want a refresher class and others need to go more in depth. I mentor you to better understand the process of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the newborn. I help you to better understand your care and options for confident, evidence based decision-making. I help you prepare for birth, recovery and early parenting! Siblings welcome.

Customized Childbirth Education
Customized Childbirth Education
Lactation Breastfeeding and Pumping Support

Lactation, Breastfeeding and Pumping Support

Do you have questions or concerns about feeding your baby?  Whether you are exclusively pumping or have babe at-breast...whatever your lactation needs,  adequate support is critical.


I work through telehealth and in person for Colorado Front Range families.

***IBCLC certified soon

Lactation, Breastfeeding and Pumping Support

Nighttime Newborn Care

For newborns 0-6 weeks old, I provide night care in shifts from 10pm-6am to allow you to get the sleep you so desperately need. Parents can have bottles left for the baby, or have the baby brought to mother for breastfeeding.Those dealing with multiples, birth trauma, physical disabilities, or mental health issues may also benefit from more assistance adjusting to the new rhythms. Babies with special needs and those transitioning home from NICU are welcome.  Research shows sleep deprivation to be a root cause of postpartum depression, let me help.

Consider gifting the service to a new family.

(Colorado Front Range families only)

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Nighttime Newborn Care

About Me

For more than 25 years I have supported new families to find optimal wellness in the child bearing year. I am touched by every birth I witness and deeply impacted by every family I work with. I enjoy lifting families up as they grow in their own unique ways.

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“Lauren included our whole family at prenatal time.We gained confidence knowing what to expect during pregnancy and postpartum. I learned how to do some of the basic prenatal assessments. I loved being involved with my wife’s care and I even caught our baby!”
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